Taxonomic list T3, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

space of compartment of head

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Current level space of compartment of head Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
84953 10801
space of compartment of head
spatium compartimenti capitis
84961 372 part
orbital cavity
cavitas orbitalis
9644 316 part
cranial cavity
cavitas cranii
84964 2506 part
peripharyngeal space
spatium peripharyngeum
55080 2507 part
retropharyngeal space
spatium retropharyngeum
84967 2508 part
lateropharyngeal space ; parapharyngeal space
spatium lateropharyngeum ; spatium parapharyngeum
84970 535 part
pterygoid fossa of sphenoid
fossa pterygoidea ossis sphenoidalis
84973 536 part
scaphoid fossa of sphenoid
fossa scaphoidea ossis sphenoidalis
84881 13530
zone of subarachnoid space
zona spatii subarachnoidei
83717 12007
subarachnoid cistern
cisterna subarachnoidea
5111 part
cisterna subarachnoidea cranialis
83720 5123 part
lumbar cistern
cisterna lumbalis
75136 13532
subarachnoid fissure T4 40 children
fissura subarachnoidea
83738 13533
subarachnoid notch T4 4 children
incisura subarachnoidea
75759 13534
subarachnoid groove T4 161 children
sulcus subarachnoideus
83802 13535
subarachnoid fossa
fossa subarachnoidea
75267 5690 part
vallecula of cerebellum
vallecula cerebelli
284459 13538
zone of longitudinal cerebral fissure
zona fissurae longitudinalis cerebri
266089 13537
subarachnoid intertrabecular space
spatium intertrabeculare subarachnoideum
266087 13536
space of arachnoid granulation
spatium granulationis arachnoideae
83803 5101 part
(subdural space )
(spatium subdurale )
296638 5100 part
trigeminal cave ; trigeminal cave
cavum trigeminale
supratentorial compartment
compartimentum supratentoriale
infratentorial compartment
compartimentum infratentoriale
(epidural space of cranial dura mater ; extradural space of cranial dura mater )
(spatium epidurale durae matris cranialis; spatium extradurale durae matris cranialis )
314945 13524
spatium sinus cranii
subpial space
spatium subpiale
27 items
39 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Although the terms Spatium subdurale and Spatium epidurale/extradurale are in common usage, under normal conditions the arachnoid is attached to the dura and the dura is attached to the skull; there are no naturally occurring spaces at these interfaces at all. The occurrence of these spaces is the result of trauma or of pathological process that artifactually separates the arachnoid from the dura or the dura from the skull (Haines DE 1991 On the question of a subdural space. Anat Rec 230:3-21; Van Denabeele F, Creemans J, Lambrichts I 1996 Ultrastructure of the human spinal arachnoid mater and dura mater. J Anat (Lond) 189:417-430).
See note # 5101
Type of list T3
List Unit Identifier 10801
Sublist 1 5111 cisterna subarachnoidea cranialis 46/29 on 30.11.2018
Invalid signature 17979 (stored value 1274)
Error in sublist Found children 0 Found units 1
Sublist 2 13524 spatium sinus cranii 10/5 on 25.11.2018
Invalid signature 9277 (stored value 1392)
Error in sublist Found children 14 Found units 9
Sublist 3 13532 fissura subarachnoidea 42/23 on 25.11.2018
Invalid signature 13248 (stored value 1400)
Error in sublist Found children 40 Found units 21
Sublist 4 13533 incisura subarachnoidea 4/3 on 25.11.2018
Invalid signature 7107 (stored value 1401)
Sublist 5 13534 sulcus subarachnoideus 195/80 on 21.11.2018
Invalid signature 4564 (stored value 1402)
Error in sublist Found children 161 Found units 66
Subtotals subchildren 297 subunits 140
Proper children 36
Invalid check Found children: 257
Proper units 22
Invalid check Found units: 122
Invalid signature 21827 (stored value 23669)
Date: 18.08.2024